Ukrainian Club – Saturday 25th June Update.
We’re on for the Ukrainian Club gig on Saturday the 25th..! Fortune smiled upon us and things worked out. However, after not playing for over two and a half years, over half of the emails we sent out promoting the gig bounced back as undeliverable. If you used to – or would like to – get emails letting you know when we are playing, please email us to let us know and we can update our list. Send it to: [email protected]
Please see the Gig page: here
Keith Emerson used Noddy’s Puncture Hammond L100
organ at the High Voltage Festival in 2010

Keith and Tom at ELP’s rehearsal a couple of days before the gig…
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Just to let you know about the Keith Emerson biography – “Pictures Of An Exhibitionist” – a feature film which as you may know, is currently in production. I am trying to help my friends David and Jason Woodford by promoting their project that is being funded by a contribution based campaign (on indiegogo) which is now up and running..! I have also offered to help by suggesting a “Noddy’s Puncture” CD could be included with certain levels of donation.
To find out more please go to: and click the “Count Me In” button.
From there you can make a contribution. And to see a full cast and crew list please go to:
Also please spread the word – and remember, even the smallest contribution makes a big difference… 🙂
Yet again, we shall be using our new Modular Moog Synthesizer on the upcoming gigs..!
It’s proved itself time and time again… and it’s been upgraded recently too. It’s a beast… 😉
We’re so glad you could attend…!